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              About Me     

My name is Saksham Lamba. I love exploring new technologies and spreading the knowledge that I've learned. I have good leadership skills and have led many teams in various projects and events. I think perfection cannot be achieved, and one should always keep exploring and learning.

Exploring new Technologies

I always try to learn and explore new
technologies. I
have a keen interest in loud Computing, DevOps, IoT, and Blockchain technology
and have implemented these domains in various projects. I have also delivered a
number of tech talks and conducted bootcamps on these technologies. I also love Open source  technology and have done quite a number of contributions.

Tech-talk: Session Link






I  have a great interest in coding and have a good hold on programming languages like C,C++ and Java. I have also participated in various coding challenges and have gained a lot of knowledge. I have also explored different coding platforms like Hackerrank, Codechef and Leetcode.

Managing Communities

I have always been a part of various student communities, the most prominent being the Enable SysAdmin Community at Red Hat, the Google Developer Student Program, and many more. I like interacting with students in and out of the community and always try to spread knowledge. As a community member, my main task is to organize and manage various events that are insightful, and that would help students in their further future.


Educational App

All educational resources at one place

Fully functional website

Developed a website for a University Student chapter and hosted on Google Cloud Platform.

QR Code Scanning

This is the project which will help the users register with the company by just scanning the QR Code.


Do read my articles because I love spreading knowledge 

  • Virtualization vs Containerization

    In this article I with my team have explained about the difference between 
    Virtualization and Containerization, and have also elaborated on the technical concepts of each.                                           Do  read my article here   

    Virtualization vs Containerization

  • Backing up of data from a Linux Virtual Machine using any Cloud Platform

    I was really thrilled and excited when I got selected as Enable SysAdmin Community Contributor at Red Hat. As a contributor my first article published was about backing up of data from a Linux virtual machine in a Cloud Platform. My article got place in the top ten technical contents published by Red Hat.  Do read my article at  
    SysAdmin Content

  • Hope you liked my articles